Creekmore Lodge #74
307 W. Lillie Blvd., Madill, OK. 73446
(580) 795-2313

Next Stated Communication February 6, 2025


2025 Dues Are Payable Now!!!
2025 Dues notices have been mailed.

If a Secretary writes a letter, it's too long.
If he sends a postal, it's too short.
If he doesn't send a notice, he is lazy.
If he attends a committee meeting, he is butting in.
If he stays away, he is a shirker.
If he duns the members for dues, he is insulting.
If he fails to collect the dues, he is slipping.
If he asks for advice, he is incompetent.
If he does not, he is bull-headed.
If he writes his reports complete, they are too long.
If he condenses them, they are incomplete.
If he talks on a subject in Lodge, he is trying to run things.
If he remains quiet, he has lost interest in the meeting.
>.........Ashes to Ashes.............<
>.........Dust to Dust............<
>.........If others won't do it...........<

The Secretary must!!!!!

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